Macross Plus

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What can I say, I think this is by far the best sequel to come out of the Macross universe. This OVA is also a great blend of traditional cel animation and CG. Macross Plus takes place a number of years after Macross DYRL and tells of the reunion of three childhood friends who have not seen eachother in seven years. Two of the friends, Isamu and Guld, are test pilots competing against eachother in a program to develope the next generation transforming fighter. The third friend, Myung, is the producer of the biggest singing star in the galaxy, Sharon Apple. Sharon is a completely computer driven artificial intellegence who's true nature and connection to Myung is a mystery that unfolds with the storyline.

The three friends find themselves, by chance, back together again on planet Eden where they grew up together. There is immediate tension between the old friends because of some event in the past that we only get glimpses of in flashbacks. In true dramatic form, we do not fully understand the source of their animosity toward eachother until the end of the OVA when the flashback scene is shown in its entirety.

A great anime on many levels, I highly recommend it!

 Lucy McMillian

 Isamu Dyson

 Isamu Dyson

 Isamu Dyson

 Isamu and Captain



 Isamu Dyson

 Isamu Dyson

 Guld Goa Bowman

 Myung Fan Lone

 Sharon Apple

Curator: Mokman
Gallery Created: 10/6/2004
Hits: 81631

Presentation 8.89/10   Collection 9.18/10   Overall 9.04/10   Votes 45 votes
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