Mospeada (Robotech)

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The culmination of the Robotech story, Mospeada was a Japanese anime combined with two other unrelated shows (Macross and Southern Cross) to produce a TV program in America with the required number of episodes for sydication. For a long time, this part was my favorite of the three that make up Robotech. I was drawn to the idea of the resistant fighters struggling for control of their homeworld against oppressive alien overlords. The cyclones are just darn cool also! I have since gone back to my roots and think that Macross is my favorite.

 Scott Bernard Sequence

 Rand Sequence

 Lunk Short Sequence

 Annie Sequence

 Scott Gallant Pistol Animated gif

 Passageway Rough Layout

 Cyclone Rough Layout

 Robotech War Veteran

 Rand and Lancer


 Scott Bernard

 Rand and Rook

 It's a man baby!



 Cyclone Animated GIF

 Invid Animated GIF

 Missle Attack Animated GIF

 Combined Douga Animated GIF


 Scott Grabbing Rand

 Scott Bernard

 Rook Bartley

 Rook CVR Armor

Curator: Mokman
Gallery Created: 10/6/2004
Hits: 81631

Presentation 8.89/10   Collection 9.18/10   Overall 9.04/10   Votes 45 votes
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