Mospeada (Robotech)

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It's a man baby!
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: B20 end
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Added 11/17/2005
Updated 11/17/2005
A truely classic scene from episode #63 "Lonely Soldier Boy". This is the episode where the rest of the freedom fighters join Scott and Rand. To this point in the episode, the freedom fighters only know a woman named Yellow Dancer who is a singer following in the footstops of Minmei. Yellow (who happens to be a huge idol of Rand's) asks to join the freedom fighters but is rejected because freedom fighting is not a place for a cocktail singer. To prove a point Yellow starts to strip right there in front of everyone.

In this cel the bra has obviously just come off and Yellow is giving a suggestive look back at the stunded onlookers. Yellow Dancer is only of course the alter-ego cover of the male freedom fighter named Lancer, which become appearant when a man emerges from under the woman's clothes. Lancer joins the freedom fighters but Rand is crushed that his idol is really a fraud.

It is interesting to note, that this shot, as aired in Robotech, is cut short before this particular cel. I guess it is to suggestive for "Saturday Morning Cartoons".

    Previous: Rand and Rook Next: Lancer    

Curator: Mokman
Gallery Created: 10/6/2004
Hits: 81630

Presentation 8.89/10   Collection 9.18/10   Overall 9.04/10   Votes 45 votes
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